Friday, January 15, 2021

Something New

 I've been thinking about it for a long time. I don't have it all worked out as yet, but I am on the journey. I want what I say and do to matter to people and for the Kingdom of God. I want to help others heal and add value to their lives. I want to train and encourage leadership to step up to the next level. I want to motivate, teach, lead, stretch, push, challenge, and most of all vision with others. 

With this in mind, I have been thinking about the direction of this blog platform. It originally begin with the publishing of my first book, Simple Living In A Complex World. With time, it grew into more of a "pastoral" blog focusing on mostly spiritual insights. As I grew through some major challenges, it morphed into a "help for healing" encouragement. All these previous emphasis followed my path of growth, what I needed at the time. This brings me to today!

It may sound like ramblings, but I think the direction of this blog needs to pull all these elements together and give help practically, spiritually, mentally, for individuals and businesses. I want to offer helpful insights and challenges to motivate people to grow and really make a difference in this world. It will not be a political blog in any way, shape, or form. I will leave that area to the other guys! It will be from the heart with a biblical basis and practical application.

So, welcome to my NEW BLOG! Feel free to share it with others when you feel it can be of help. Not every topic will hit you personally but I'm sure you will find some nuggets along the way. You might even enjoy some of the humor I hope to share! Most of all, grow from "journeying" with me.

One final thought: A throne has only ONE seat. Be careful who you let sit on the throne of your life!

From the Heart,


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