Monday, February 15, 2016


The world needs more than just the church but the Savior of the church. If the world only experiences the "friendliness" of the church and misses Jesus, then we have failed.
Our emphasis should always be on evangelism and discipleship. We seek for every member to reach one person over the next two years. We know that through our obedience of sharing the faith, our church can double. Each One Reach One is the call upon every follower of Christ. We also know that as we are obedient to this call, we will have to grow our Sunday school and growth group ministries. Leaders will need to be trained and new classes started. How Exciting!
It is sad to know that 103 people a minute die, 6,000 people an hour! Do they know Christ? We want to make sure we reach everyone within our touch with the "Good News." Then we must be willing and organized to help new believers grow in their faith. We must disciple those we reach.
Next Sunday we will talk about the vision for discipleship. It will be very challenging and rewarding as we see the Kingdom of God grow. Our challenge is to follow the scriptures as closely as possible. To live out the gospel on a daily basis.
what about you? Will you remain faithful to the call? Are you "ashamed of the gospel" or do you "glory in the gospel?"
From the Heart,
Pastor BR

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It Has Been A While

My goodness! It has been a while since I have posted to my blog. 2016 has started off as a busy year but I am back. This past year has been a time of intense searching for the vision God has for the church. The difference between the membership of the church and those who are active is very disturbing to me as pastor. I just can't imagine receiving Christ as my Lord and Savior and joining His Bride, the church, and not be active. When I embrace all that God has done for me, it moves me closer to Him.
I am presently preaching through the vision God has laid on our hearts. It is exciting and challenging at the same time. We are mobilizing people to serve the Lord and reach the lost. Great days are ahead as we seek to honor Christ!
I am going to strive to post on my blog more often. I want to share what God is doing. As a matter of fact, this blog post was interrupted for about 45 minutes as I received an anonymous call in which I shared Christ. All I can ask is that you pray for this man that called me.
Blessings to you and your family!

From the Heart,

Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...