Monday, September 22, 2014


Recently I received an update for my phone operating system. It wasn't that my present operating system was bad or broken; there were new enhancements and features that expanded the capabilities for my use. This updated system affected most all other applications which in turn needed updating.

In our Christian life we need an update every morning. Everyday we can refresh our walk with Christ. These times of refreshing affect every area of our life. While it may be easy to hold tightly to yesterday's walk, today has it's own set of challenges. Routines can turn into ruts!

In Luke 5:36-39, we are reminded that new wine must be put into new wineskins. Old wineskins cannot contain the effects of new wine. Everyday we must offer to God our new wineskin of our heart to receive the filling of His spirit for the day. This passage also reminds us that some may have new wineskins but prefer old wine. Jesus did not come to pour the traditions of the old into His new life. He came to give new life and a new relationship with Him.

"Just give me that old time religion" sounds soothing to the soul but can often grow stale. God is doing new things among us in exciting ways. We need a fresh elastic walk with Christ that allows for His ever-expanding power in us. Often our personal preferences can restrict what God wants to do in and through us.

New wine requires new wineskins. New wineskins requires new wine. Our walk with Christ requires a freshness each day. Download the update.

From My Heart,

Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...