Friday, January 4, 2019

What's New?

Welcome to 2019!
Wow! Only 19 years ago we were dreading the Y2K projected events. Almost twenty years ago many thought the world would shut down. Great expectation but nothing major happened. Maybe a few minor "hiccups" but certainly not the end of time. So what are the expectations for 2019? What will be new?
I can only predict the past with some certainty but not the future. I look to the new year based on the promises from the Word of God. The challenges we face can be answered through His Word. Here are a few things I can be sure of:

1. If Believers don't get serious about discipleship, we will continue to lose ground in reaching this world for Christ. Every true believer is to be a growing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. If the church doesn't get serious about its purpose and mission, it will continue to shrink in size and influence. As long as members consider things like attendance, tithing, missions, and worship as "optional" the church will continue to sacrifice its place in the world.

3. If Leaders in the church continue to fight for "their way" instead of God's design, people will continue to be hurt and leave the church. Staff and other leaders must be fully committed to the mission and purpose given to the church by God instead of their own agendas. The church will continue to be a social gathering until the staff and leaders get in tune with God and His Word concerning the church. Gathering a crowd is not the agenda of the church. Reaching the world through the Great Commission and The Great Commandment is!

4. The church is the only hope for the world as placed here by God. Terms like, "my church," "my way," "what I want," "the way I like it," should never cross the lips of true Godly leaders. When it becomes "your church" it ceases to be God's church.

5. If the church doesn't get serious concerning biblical leadership and holding leaders to the standard of scriptures, then the church will continue struggle. Overlooking biblical teachings and allowing compromise in leadership standards and conduct will continue to diminish the church. Being "ok" with practices of sin among leaders is deadly. Leaders should never be worshipped nor should they be treated with disrespect and dishonesty. Gossip kills.

I am very passionate about the church. I have spent my life serving the Lord Jesus through the local church. What I have seen and experienced in the local church is very disturbing. I still believe the church is God's great plan for reaching the world. It is through the church that His great Mission and Mandate are to be accomplished. It is time that the church follows the Word of God passionately, follows God appointed leaders respectfully, and serves sacrificially.

So "What's New?" I pray that the church becomes new and effective by returning to the Word of God in all ways. Jesus Christ loves the church and gave His life for the church to do His will. The church is His hands and feet. The church is His heartbeat for the world. The church is His and not ours. We SERVE a mighty God, we do not own Him! Maybe 2019 will see the emergence of the church as God has intended and designed. Prayerfully, the church will capture the attention of the world!

From the Heart,

Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...