Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Gospel

Without the Gospel, the church really doesn't have any good news!

The gospel is at the heart of everything the church does and says. The gospel is the only truly good news the world needs to hear. Everything springs from the gospel. The cross at the center of the gospel. The cross is the fullest expression of God's love for all mankind. Without the cross we have no hope!

Has the cross truly gripped your soul? The cross is not a trinket to be worn around the neck. The cross is power of God to save the soul. The cross is not an object to display but the work of God to place our faith.

When the cross grips your soul it changes everything about you. It changes why you do what you do. It changes how you see things and how you receive things. It changes our response to God from fear to faith. The cross truly changes everything! God has chosen to draw the world to Himself through those who have placed their faith in Christ. The cross is alive and powerful today through believers.

Has the cross gripped your soul? The mission of our lives spring from the cross. The purpose for which we are saved is to share the cross of Jesus Christ with others. The deeper we understand the gospel, the deeper we grow in Christ.

I want to encourage you to reconsider the cross. Let the cross grip you so deeply that you are moved to serve. The world needs the cross. Will you share it? Without the gospel, the church really does not have any good news!


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...