Monday, April 27, 2015

Romans 6

This year (2015), I am preaching through the book of Romans. What a fantastic detail of the Christian life! This powerful book, written by Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, explains the major doctrines concerning how Christians are to live.
In chapter six we learn that we are to be dead to sin and alive to God. Many Christians live as though they are dead to God and alive to sin! Chapter six opens with a great question, "Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound?" Many have answered "yes" by the way they live. Some background study reveals the art of rationalizing sin. Since our sin brings the grace of God, some believed, then we "help" God by sinning more! God gets to do a greater work because we sin! Others will see more of the grace of God when we sin more. The answer to this rationalization is found in verse two of chapter six, "Certainly not!" Remember that to rationalize is to tell a rational lie.
We are to be dead to sin. We should no longer desire to sin. When we understand what our sin brought upon the savior, we should run from sin. To be true, America has lost the ability to blush. Most Christians in America, it seems, yawn at sin. Christians are the only ones called of God to stand against sin. The lost world is doing what lost people do. The problem is that Christians, by in large, are not doing what we were saved to do. Christians get very angry at the world when sinners behave like sinners. As a Follower of Christ, I must understand that I am responsible for the moral fiber of this country! Government will never return America back to God; only the church can do that. If we don't like the direction we are headed, then Christians need to change the course.
We seem to have lost the heart of David who was broken over sin. Sin stopped David in his tracks. Sin bothered him to the point that he could not go on living until things were made right. Repentance is a lost doctrine in the church. Weeping has been replaced.
What is the result? I believe we are headed towards the day when Christians in America are persecuted for their faith. It will cost us a great deal to attend church. I am by no means an alarmist. I just think that if Christians remain silent then the world will run it's course. I am praying that true followers of Christ will turn this nation back to the Lord through prayer and obedience. May we not excuse sin so casually, but will have a lot more "Certainly not" in our lives. You can't be alive to sin and alive to God at the same time. You MUST die to one and live for the other. I pray you will make the right choice. Die to sin and LIVE for God!

From my heart,

Pastor BR Johnson

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Masters

If you know anything about golf or know someone who knows something about golf, you have heard of The Masters. The first major championship tournament of the season. Held in Augusta, GA., it is an elite tournament with only the best in the world competing. Tickets are very hard to come by.
I have the privilege of attending as my oldest son married into a family that are members. I have been blessed to play Augusta, although I will not post my score. I do not share this information to say that I am someone special. I feel very blessed and undeserving of such opportunities.
To walk the course where so many legends have played is amazing. To swing a club and remind myself of why I am not on the PGA as I compare my shots with those of the best is truly humbling. I remember being on the first tee box feeling like it was a dream, knees weak and shaking. Just the awe of the course grabs you.
Amazing as my experience was, it does not compare to my walk with Christ. Every time I open the scriptures and walk with the truly greats, I feel so unworthy. I compare my life with the True Master (Jesus) and am reminded at how short my life falls. Walking this course of life where Jesus walked just grabs me!
Never forget that The Master has already walked where you trod. You can follow Him and let Him live through you. The Masters tournament is once a year, but walking with The Master is a daily experience!

From My Heart,
Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...