Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Vision: The One Year Anniversary

Usually when I speak of VISION it is related to the work of the church. I am so passionate about the church completing the vision God has set forth. Many churches will entertain a vision but fail to implement. Others will struggle to adjust to the vision God has revealed for them. I fully believe that God's vision for the church is wrapped around the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The church is to go at all cost to all people possible with the good news of the Gospel. Abandoned visions are truly the grave-markers of the church!

In this blog I want to talk about what God has been doing in me over this past year. The first of November, 2018, I suffered a stroke that affected my right side. While I did recover, I was given some very important warnings. As my children were at my bedside, the doctors filled me in on what had happened, tests results, and their advice for the future. Stress was the major cause of my stroke. My blood pressure rose sharply and the stroke occurred. Earlier that day I had visited my doctor as I was not feeling very well. After an ekg I was sent home with an appointment for a stress test the next week. About an hour after I arrived home, the doctor called and said she had conferred with a cardiologist and they both wanted me to go to the ER immediately. I did and within the hour of being in the ER, my stroke occurred. Praise the Lord for the insight of these doctors!

In the hospital with my children around me, the doctors said that I had to make a major change in my life because I was on the road for a major stroke to happen. A stroke that could be very difficult to recover fully from. This got my attention. I told the doctors I could retire at the end of the year. They frowned and stated that I wasn't listening to them. So I said I would preach the coming Sunday and then resign. The frowns grew more intense. They shared their concern that I could have a major stroke in the pulpit. So, my oldest son and daughter presented my resignation the following Sunday as I sat at home heartbroken.

I had been serving in the local church for 40 years. My whole life was the church. And now I wasn't sure what the future held. The vision was gone. What made this so devastating to me was that the source of my stress was from adversaries within the church. While I will not go into detail, it is important to know that not only were my wife and I surprised and what had been said and done by a few, but we were deeply hurt and disappointed in some that we trusted and worked with. "Why" is always the first question which is followed by "what now?"

I did decide to pull away and refrain from giving the devil the opportunity to use me. I made no comments, had no meetings, and did nothing to "get back" at individuals who were a part of such. I was quiet. It's true that I heard a whole lot that was being said but I decided to remain quiet and trust in the Lord.

I am sharing this after a year of searching and praying as well as recovering. I had lost the vision of what God wanted to do with my life. I felt at times it had been stolen by my adversaries. I have learned a few things about vision and the Lord this past year:
1. God doesn't forget you and His love for you doesn't diminish.
2. God doesn't waste a hurt or a tear.
3. God will take care of you.
4. God will provide ministry opportunities beyond your imagination.
5. Criticisms and gossip will continue, but pay no attention for it is of the devil.
6. There is much evil in the world BUT we have victory in Jesus!
7. Leave revenge to the Lord.
8. Growth happens through hurts.
9. God provides a tremendous future as you learn in the valleys.
10. I am more ready for tomorrow because of today.

There are many more lessons I have learned. What I have learned about vision and the individual is that God is very personal concerning His vision for your life. He wants you to be effective in serving Him each and every day. His vision for your life is so much more important than other people's opinions. I have been able to serve more effectively in many more areas now. God has opened so many doors for me to preach and teach to many more people. God isn't finished with me yet!

I want to encourage you if you have been hurt by the church or other Christians. Don't give up on God. Don't run away from Him or His plan for you. You may need to find a new church home that you can invest in and grow. Keep your face on Jesus and your eyes in the Bible. God WILL speak to you through His Word! Don't listen to those who try to hurt or tear down what God is doing. Leave revenge to the Lord and move forward. Pray that the Lord will bring people into your life that will encourage you in the faith and walk with you in grace.

I pray that you will see that God is in control and HE still has an awesome vision for your life!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR

Thursday, October 24, 2019

In Secret

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever is made manifest is light." Ephesians 5:11-13

So much is being done in secret! While I do not post political analysis as I serve with the Secret Service as a chaplain, I do see so much debate about secrecy. Darkness is for the purpose of hiding. The light is for the purpose of exposure. God promises us that what is done in darkness will be exposed by the light.

I am passionate about the church which means I am passionate about people. Sadly, many in the church do deeds in the darkness that really hinder the work of the church. We can easily loose the whole reason God created the church: to complete The Great Commission with The Great Commandment. Our first call is to reach the world with the love of Christ. The community is listening very intently to words spoken. Do our words draw people to Jesus or do our criticisms drive them away? They are listening!

God promises that HE will expose what is done in darkness. He will bring truth to light. Our responsibility is to join together for the sake of the Gospel. To lift high the name of Jesus. I think the deeper we get in the Word of God, the less we will tear others down. Spiritual growth helps us to be more like Jesus. The truth ALWAYS comes out eventually and eternally!

I want to encourage all of us to live in the light, speak in the light, act in the light, and reach others through the Light! We have a much more important mission than playing politics in the church. We have to be careful that other issues don't overshadow the main call of God. I am passionate about the church being the church because there is no replacement for the church. The church is God's idea and His Bride! What a beautiful picture! HE adores His Bride! So let us bring Him glory and adore Him.

From the Heart,

Pastor BR

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Be A Positive Influencer

I am leading a Mastermind group on "Becoming A Person of Influence." This is a great study of how to be a person that positively influences others to reach their maximum potential. John Maxwell is the author of this great book and provides insights to life changing leadership principles.

While I won't digest the whole book here, I do want to speak about being a person of influence. Maxwell has famously said that "leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less." Everyone influences someone. Some in a positive way and others in negative ways. Having people under your influence is a very powerful thing. The responsibility is tremendous. Whether you plan on influencing others or not, you carry the weight your influence provides.

With positive influence traits you can achieve success in most (if not all) areas of your life. To be a positive influencer integrity is required. Integrity carries with it honesty and transparency. A positive influencer will remain constant in their character regardless of who they are with. Chameleons cannot be positive influencers. Consistency is a must if you want to influence others in the right direction.

Being a person of positive influence lifts others up and doesn't tear people down. There is a major flaw if someone has to tear down others in order to lift themselves up. Learning how to positively interact with others will no only enhance your relationships, but it will launch you into success personally and in your business. Maxwell states, "whether your desire is to build a business, strengthen your children, or reach the world, you can achieve it by raising your level of influence in the lives of others."

Another important aspect of becoming a person of positive influence is building others up to others. Conversations are circular. What a person says always comes back in due time. When others hear you speak about someone, they are taking mental notes. The adage is so true: If someone will talk to you about someone else, that will talk to someone else about you. A positive influencer will speak positively to build and connect. They will have faith in people. They will believe in them and stretch them to new heights.

the Bible has so much to say about being a person of positive influence. The scriptures even outline in the book of Matthew just how to handle difficult situations while remaining a positive influencer. Basically, the conversation remains between the two. Gossip destroys positive influence and fuels negative influence. Stay away from negative influencers and run to the positive!

The good news is that YOU can be a Positive Influencer! It is a matter of choice. Choosing to live a life that builds others up is really the Christian way!

From the Heart,



 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...