Friday, March 15, 2019


I am NOT left-handed. I have nothing against left-handed people. As a matter of fact, I would have preferred to play baseball left-handed. Or at least batted as a "lefty." I am right handed in everything I do. Well, that is, until I recently had surgery on my right arm and hand.

I had suffered for some time with tingling and numbness in both my hands. My right hand became much worse and began to wake me up during the night with a burning sensation. Whenever I talked on the phone or drove the car some distance, my hand(s) would go to sleep. When I tried doing some home repairs I would often drop whatever tool I was using. Writing letters and signing my name became somewhat painful.

So, after my stroke in November of 2018, I decided that it was time to get my hands checked out. Result: carpal tunnel in both, cubital tunnel in both, and trigger finger on the right hand (I'm still a pretty good shot with a handgun). Best option: Surgery! I decided to start with the right hand since it was the most damaged. Surgery procedure went well. I came home with it securely wrapped and in a sling. It was to remain wrapped for two weeks until my follow-up appointment to get the stitches out. I instantly became left-handed!

Being left-handed changed everything concerning my daily routine. Awkward and uncomfortable was the daily struggle. Eating, bathing, brushing teeth, and even writing some was just strange. I had to really think through what I was doing as nothing was automatic anymore. Over the two weeks I got pretty good using my left hand. Well, at least I could accomplish the needed tasks.

My follow-up appointment went well but it really hurt when they took the stitches out (and I am not a baby about such things). Bandage off, stitches out, and the right hand free. Free but not very flexible. Actually, very sore and swollen. Useable to a degree but therapy a must.

As we read the Bible, God brings to light changes He wants to make. A new way of thinking. A new way of doing things. This change can seem awkward at first and makes us really think and pray. After some time we become pretty good at following Him, not perfect but acceptable. God does surgery on our heart that can require some therapy (or practicing obedience). The more we line up with His way, the more our life is pleasing to Him. Don't let the struggle cause you to quit. Work through the pains of obedience.

In a few months I will have my left hand repaired. I know what to expect AND I will have a great right hand to get me through! I want to encourage you through the awkward frustrating times of life and growth. Things will get better and you will be whole again. Don't give up! Remember: the scars prove that healing has taken place!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR


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