Monday, April 10, 2017


Announcements get our attention. Vital information is about to be shared so we listen up. I worked for many years as a professional sports announcer. I saw more baseball games, basketball games, and even rodeo events than I can ever remember. I loved them all. My job was to inform, entertain, and describe the action. It was a lot of fun most of the time. It was really great when the game or event was exciting and came down to the last pitch or the last second!
The scriptures are full of great announcemts from Genesis to Revelation. God announcing creation, the flood, the commandments, and His birth just recall a few. Jesus announced on the cross, "It is Finished!" There is another announcement that moves me each time I read it in the scriptures. In Matthew 28:5-7 , we read of the angel announcing the greatest news of all, "He is not here, He is risen!" This announcement changed everything about us! Jesus conquered death for us. We can have eternal life because of this great victory!
This Easter Sunday I will be preaching on this great announcement. I hope you will be able to be in church this Easter to celebrate the greatest announcement ever made! "He is Risen!"


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...