When tornadoes and hurricanes bring destruction, we take the opportunity to analyze the damage in order to build better structures. We look at the power of the destruction and how we might be able to change codes and guidelines in order for structures to thrive. During this pandemic, we have seen major destruction among businesses, schools, economics and churches.
Church life has truly been challenged. Many churches ceased meeting, some closed permanently, others declined drastically. Churches were, and are, looking at how to "make it" through these times in order to rebuild later. "Should we be seeking to rebuild the church and ministries back to pre-pandemic forms and ways, or is God calling us to something new? Churches that thrive during adversity and challenges. Churches that truly disciple in small groups. We must pray and seek the Lord for how HE wants the church to be. Maybe “church” moving forward is to be more holy and pure." This was my FB post of thought.
Maybe we should go back and look intently into God's heart and design for the church. Remove our "additions" and start from His blueprint. Are there "things" we added for our luxury and connivence? Have we misplaced our mission in order to make us "feel" successful and holy? Have church leaders compromised in order to please crowds and keep salaries? I don't know the answers to these and many more questions, but I feel we must be asking.
The early church actually thrived during great times of persecution. They have strong discipleship meetings and shared everything together. Their "building" wasn't elaborate but effective. No smoke and mirrors, no stage of fame, no "stars" but Jesus. Fashion wasn't important, God's presence was.
Should we be looking to rebuild what we had, or should we take the opportunity and seek God through His Word and build NEW His plan? Our organizations and structures have been challenged and many have fallen, but I know that the Word of God lasts forever.
From the Heart,
Pastor BR