Thursday, April 30, 2020

Crises or Control

Who would have thought that our daily lives would be interrupted so quickly and so massively as we have experienced these past couple of months. Life seemed to be flowing right along with a growing economy, plenty of resources at our disposal, and of course toilet paper! In just a few days, as the virus spread, resources began to be scarce, health issues and concerns were on the rise. Daily life had to be re-structured.
Change is difficult. Adapting to a "new normal" is frustrating. Going without when you've enjoyed the freedoms of travel and socializing has truly tested the fiber of who we are. We have had to realign our values, prioritize our needs, and settle with unwanted restrictions.
I have been amazed at the wide gamut of responses from society. Some blame the government, the president, medical community, drug companies, and other entities supposing it was a hoax for some monetary gain or political advantage. Others have reacted in fear. Some have adjusted very well and made the needed changes to move forward. There have been responses as varied as could be imagined. A few have protested being told what is necessary to stop the spread of the virus, even to the point of verbally attacking those who comply with wearing a mask. I am not interested in debating issues over this pandemic, who should do what nor who is wrong in their actions. The truth is that you will not change anyone's mind, you will only make enemies. Sad to say but the pandemic has revealed so much about us!
If you know someone personally who has died from this virus, you understand how real it is and how horrible the death can be. The closer you are to the affects of the virus, the better you realize the toll it will take on society. Healthcare workers dealing with this have a much deeper understanding of the truth of this pandemic.
I think it is important to remember that during these days we can keep a strong faith in the Lord. God is not in crises, He is in Control. He has not lost one iota of His lordship. He is still the King of Kings! Throughout the Old Testament you see where God was faithful to His people through crises, plaques, storms, and the like. He never left His people nor forsaken their needs. He often allowed for consequences of behavior to occur. While I don't know why we are experiencing such a virus, I do know that God is faithful. He allows us the freedom to choose our actions and reap the consequences. If I go out unprotected and catch the virus, I reap the consequences of my actions. Can God intervene? Absolutely He can if He so chooses. Should I pray for God to heal the sick? YES. God will do what brings Him glory, what honors Him.
My faith trusts HIM to be in control, not me. Many times my prayers have been to put ME in control. "God, do what I want you to do." Prayer is a discovery of the heart of God! Prayer attends to God's desires concerning my needs. God has not lost control. He is not in crises. He can still calm the seas and quiet the storms...but He may ask you to step out of the boat!!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR

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