Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 I took a break from blogging during most of this COVID pandemic. There was (and is) so much going on in this year of 2020. Who could have ever dreamed of such events?

I do want to share something that happened to me UNRELATED to Covid. While doing a little repair project, I snapped the bicep distill tendon in my left arm. My bicep muscle rolled up and practically disappeared. It made a very loud popping noise and really hurt. I've never torn a tendon before. Following an MRI, it was determined that the only repair would have to be surgery. NOT AGAIN! Last year I had three different surgeries on my wrist and elbows and two kidney stone surgeries. I thought I was finished with surgeries!

The surgery went well and I am in physical therapy. The road back is slow and requires much patience (not my strong suit). The tendon has to be re-stretched without tearing it into. Muscle will have to be regained and should take a few months. No golf for a while.

I share this experience because it illustrates what happens in our lives when we get hurt emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. The hurt happens and we curl up, withdraw from others and potential hurtful situations. It takes a long time of "stretching" to be able to trust again. It takes strong mental exercises to engage others and risk vulnerability. The process is slow and most often painful. 

Leaders often get hurt when they lead. If everything is always smooth and easy, then you probably aren't leading with a great amount of challenge. The hurt can be deep as it usually occurs with people working closely with you. You may even get to the point where you question if you will ever lead again, or even want to lead again. Take heart, the world needs your leadership!

Organizations, churches, and teams need leaders. Leaders stretch the "norm" into an amazing future. The Bible reminds us that without vision, people will perish. Yes, your leadership is needed for those who do not yet appreciate it nor follow. It takes time but you will be strong again. You will never forget the hurt but the hurt will influence you less and less as healing takes place. Go through the therapy of renewal. God is not finished with you!

Be encouraged leader and lead!

From the Heart,

BR Johnson

Monday, May 18, 2020

Recover: Hurting into Healing

The last two and a half years have really brought highs and lows in my life. I will never forget the first of November, 2018, when I suffered a stroke. That moment began a brand new journey for me. The stress of certain situations of serving in a church finally took its toll. It seemed that satan had gained a victory. But... God had a plan!

God never allows you to go through something that He is not willing to grow you. While I don't believe God causes all things to happen, I know He allows things for His glory and our growth. The evil that men do is not orchestrated by God, but rather, the devil. However, God takes what people mean for bad and turns it around for good. While my struggle was very real and very deep, I do thank the Lord that He walked with me to the other side.

This last year I have been able to walk slowly with God and learn. Anyone who truly knows me knows of my deep passion for the church and leadership. They know that I desire God to move like never before among His Bride, called the church, to make a difference in this world. I'm praying that we as a church will do everything we can to fulfill the Great Commission in our generation. I'm praying that God will purify His church for His using. And you also know that I believe we should read the Bible slowly!

My journey has brought me to the realization of just how many ministers with a passion and vision for the church struggle. The struggle is real and very deep. But God has reminded us that a people without a vision will perish. We certainly don't need visionless leadership in any church! But is it worth the price? I believe it is with my whole heart. I have learned that most men who start in the ministry do not finish in the ministry. Over 1,500 ministers a month leave the ministry. The number one reason is because of abuse from church members. The politics and agendas just get too much and end up destroying them and their families. How tragic! BUT, they are in good company as the Bible reminds us that we will be persecuted as He was persecuted.

For these reasons, and several more, God has really opened my eyes to use my hurt and story to help heal others. I am a trained speaker, mentor, coach, and teacher not only through the John Maxwell Team, but also 41 years of ministry in the local church. Mostly from 50 years of walking with the Lord! AND I'M STILL LEARNING. I have so far to go and so much more to learn. God is growing my opportunity to provide leadership healing and encouragement to ministers and staff who have suffered in the ministry.

I am presently developing teaching materials, seminars, and a book that will culminate in helping walk the hurting into healing. My heart truly breaks for those who have faithfully served for so long, lead many to Jesus, counseled countless through deep waters, only to suffer at the hands of a few who seek to destroy.

So, I ask you to pray for me as I continue this journey.  Pray that the joy of serving and growing remains stronger than ever. Pray that God will guide my heart, thoughts, and words so that all will glorify HIM. Pray that I will be deaf to the defeaters and wise to the godly. Pray that God will provide the encouragers and mentors that I need. Most of all pray!

From the heart,

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Crises or Control

Who would have thought that our daily lives would be interrupted so quickly and so massively as we have experienced these past couple of months. Life seemed to be flowing right along with a growing economy, plenty of resources at our disposal, and of course toilet paper! In just a few days, as the virus spread, resources began to be scarce, health issues and concerns were on the rise. Daily life had to be re-structured.
Change is difficult. Adapting to a "new normal" is frustrating. Going without when you've enjoyed the freedoms of travel and socializing has truly tested the fiber of who we are. We have had to realign our values, prioritize our needs, and settle with unwanted restrictions.
I have been amazed at the wide gamut of responses from society. Some blame the government, the president, medical community, drug companies, and other entities supposing it was a hoax for some monetary gain or political advantage. Others have reacted in fear. Some have adjusted very well and made the needed changes to move forward. There have been responses as varied as could be imagined. A few have protested being told what is necessary to stop the spread of the virus, even to the point of verbally attacking those who comply with wearing a mask. I am not interested in debating issues over this pandemic, who should do what nor who is wrong in their actions. The truth is that you will not change anyone's mind, you will only make enemies. Sad to say but the pandemic has revealed so much about us!
If you know someone personally who has died from this virus, you understand how real it is and how horrible the death can be. The closer you are to the affects of the virus, the better you realize the toll it will take on society. Healthcare workers dealing with this have a much deeper understanding of the truth of this pandemic.
I think it is important to remember that during these days we can keep a strong faith in the Lord. God is not in crises, He is in Control. He has not lost one iota of His lordship. He is still the King of Kings! Throughout the Old Testament you see where God was faithful to His people through crises, plaques, storms, and the like. He never left His people nor forsaken their needs. He often allowed for consequences of behavior to occur. While I don't know why we are experiencing such a virus, I do know that God is faithful. He allows us the freedom to choose our actions and reap the consequences. If I go out unprotected and catch the virus, I reap the consequences of my actions. Can God intervene? Absolutely He can if He so chooses. Should I pray for God to heal the sick? YES. God will do what brings Him glory, what honors Him.
My faith trusts HIM to be in control, not me. Many times my prayers have been to put ME in control. "God, do what I want you to do." Prayer is a discovery of the heart of God! Prayer attends to God's desires concerning my needs. God has not lost control. He is not in crises. He can still calm the seas and quiet the storms...but He may ask you to step out of the boat!!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR

Monday, March 23, 2020

How To Handle Today

These are unprecedented times. Only a couple of weeks ago we were thriving as a nation economically, socially, and emotionally. Churches were making plans for the Easter Season. All seemed to be "normal." Then it happened! One person contracted a virus that has now spread literally around the world. Businesses have closed, the stock market has been shaken, jobs laid off or loss, and medical facilities and doctors challenged as they seek a medicine to stop this dreaded virus!

No one could have guessed that our world would change so drastically in just a few short weeks. Praise the Lord our faith is not in this world! Our faith should be in Jesus Christ! Things of this earth will pass away, but my God lives forever!

I want to encourage you if you have put your faith in Christ. If you haven't done so yet, the best and only encouragement I can offer is for you to repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come in your life and reign as Lord and Savior. To the followers of Christ I would say, take heart!

1. We have been Gifted for This (2 Timothy 1:7).
God has NOT given us a spirit of fear. What HE has given us is Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. Power to stand, Love to share, and a Sound Mind for decision making and self-control. Aren't you glad God has pre-gifted us with what we need for these trying days? I know I am!

2. We are Guarded in This (Romans 8:35-39).
God has already surrounded us with Himself so that nothing can separate us from Him! The word "separate" carries the meaning of no room for daylight. Not even the smallest measurement of a gap exists. The Bible lists all the things that try to tear us from the Lord but they fail. God has even reminded us that "we are more than conquerors through Him!" We don't just win, we annihilate our opponents. It's not even close. We win the race by more than a mile! God is not going to let anything, anywhere, in any way come between us and Him!

3. We are Guaranteed Beyond This (Romans 8:28).
We can be sure and know that God is working for the good all the things that come our way. While not everything is good (as long as there is sin in this world), He is making sure that all things are co-operating for His purpose in our lives. Our circumstances never alter or change His purpose for us in any way. We can trust for the good of God to be in us.

Please remember that these things are only for those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ!

Be encouraged today. Don't panic and let the hype cause you to loosen your faith. God was not, is not, and will not be surprised by what comes our way. He has already given us the victory. BUT He has also given us WISDOM. We are to use that brain He placed in us to make good and wise decisions. Part of God's protection is the gift of our brain. Don't fear, but act wisely!

So, how do we handle today? With His Gift in us, His Guarding around us, and His Guarantee for us! I pray you and your family will be safe and worship The Most High King!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR

Thursday, February 6, 2020

41 Years and Counting

This year I will turn 58! Wow! Hard for me to believe but I am so grateful. I will also celebrate 41 years in the ministry. It has been an amazing journey!
I was saved at the age of eight in a small independent baptist church. Rev. Bruce Talley was the pastor. He was so faithful in preaching God's Word. The church met in a house that was converted into a sanctuary and Sunday school. A small but powerful beginning as God changed my life.
I fell in love with God's Word and began learning. At the age of 16, I felt a call to serve the Lord in full-time ministry. By age 17, I was able to start a deeper journey of discipleship and service. I graduated from Samford University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, eventually earning a doctorate degree.
Through the years I have been blessed to serve some great churches both large and small. I have served with some great pastors and dynamic leaders. My journey in the ministry has taken me to many states and countries. I have preached under a tree in East Africa as well as a large Orthodox Church in Romania. The doors God has opened have truly amazed me. But I am reminded that throughout my journey it has never been nor ever will be about me. It is all about Him.
I am sure that I have failed the Lord more than I have pleased Him. My heart has been to serve Him and lift His name up in this world of sin and darkness. I have been encouraged and attacked. It has been said that if you don't have any opposition then you really aren't doing anything significant. I don't believe anyone's journey in the ministry is truly easy if they are really passionate.
I think back on the churches and people the Lord has placed in my life and the leaders I have been blessed to serve with. Each ministry position grew me for the next opportunity.
Now I am serving a wonderful, loving church in Montgomery called Cloverdale. This beautiful Body of Christ is located in a historic district. The church was once pretty large in size and ministries. Through the years there has been a decline and hasn't had a pastor in seven years. Until now! God brought us to this small group in a big facility. But God is not small. God is powerful and can do beyond what we could ever imagine. I am yielding myself to the leadership of the Lord. He has a plan and purpose for Cloverdale! I'm blessed to be part of the journey. God is not finished as long as there is a sinner to be saved!
I often think back on that little church in Birmingham, Alabama where I first gave my heart to Jesus. I am reminded of a few lessons God has taught me:
1. God is powerful and able anywhere and everywhere in the world.
2. God is faithful even when you aren't.
3. God's love is much deeper than His people express.
4. God loves His church.
5. God prepares you for His journey.
6. God's Word will sustain you and can be fully trusted.
7. God will use you as long as you live.
8. God will fight your battles.
9. God's blessings and healing lasts forever.
10. God continues to amaze me. Never loose the wonder of who He is.

From the Heart,

Pastor BR

Thursday, January 30, 2020


I am privileged to serve with the Alabama Disaster Relief Chaplain ministry as a teacher/trainer. Several times a year I help train new chaplains as they enter into the world of disasters. One question we always ask is, "Why would anyone want to be a disaster relief chaplain?" That's a great question! When we realize that we run to the disaster while others are trying to get out of the disaster, the question becomes even more direct. We see things that are very disturbing and witness people at their lowest point.

We never know when a disaster may hit. They are always inconvenient. Everyday is an opportunity  for life to fall apart. Personal disasters are devastating even if it only affects you. These are reasons why training is so important. To gain the tools needed to serve those in great need is a must. Training is vital for effectiveness. However, a weekend seminar cannot provide everything a person needs in such a situation. Being personally prepared to serve depends on the spiritual maturity and development that takes place on a daily basis. Being in the Word of God, on our knees in prayer, and daily growing in Christ is very essential. Nothing replaces a daily walk with the Lord. Additional training gives hands-on tools to help yourself and others in need.

I want to encourage you to consider serving in disaster relief in some form or fashion. Many opportunities of training and service are provided through Baptist State Conventions. Capacities to serve include chainsaw crews, feeding units, chaplains, mud-out teams, assessment teams, childcare, shower/laundry units and several others. The rewards for serving are eternal! The needs are great. The teams are fun to serve with and lifelong friendships are deep.

The Lord says it is much better to give than receive. Serving in disaster relief is an awesome way to give!

Pastor BR

Sunday, January 5, 2020

2020 Happy New Year

I saw a funny post the other day that read: "I'm so disappointed! I waited all my life to get to 2020 and there are no flying cars like The Jetsons promised!" 

I am looking forward to this new year. I believe that 2019 was a year of rejuvenation for me. It was a time of refreshment and re-focus. A time of turning a major chapter in my life. I won't take time to walk through all the events and details, but I will say that the Lord has helped me grow through things that I never imagined. It was a year of preparation for greater things!

In 2020, I am excited to begin a pastorate at a new church called Cloverdale Baptist! While the church is not new to Montgomery, it is new to me. The church was originally organized in 1902. Through the years they have had some great pastors and major building programs. Like most churches, the congregation has swelled at times and shrunk other times. I like to call it an inhale (swell) and an exhale (shrink). These are seasons for sure. All the while, the church is breathing and is very much alive! I believe that Cloverdale is at the end of an exhale and ready for a major inhale! An incoming of people, ministries, and resources. One very important factor that is so critical is that the people are ready and desiring to inhale... to be filled with the Holy Spirit and New Believers! I believe they will embrace a visionary leader like myself and stand with me, beside me, and behind me as we seek the Lord for the future.

I am also excited to have the opportunities to lead training and leadership development sessions through my business, BR Johnson Solutions LLC., as a certified independent speaker, coach, teacher & trainer with the John Maxwell Team. I am certified as a DISC consultant which adds even more opportunities to help people grow. I am developing opportunities to bring scripturally based leadership training and events for small groups as well as large corporations.

I'm not thinking I will see a flying car in 2020, but who knows what the Lord may do to amaze us all! I do know that my heartbeat is to be "Faithful to the Lord... Serving the Community." I look forward to seeing the Lord's hand move among His people and do great and mighty things... New Things... that we could never have imagined! Welcome to 2020!

From the Heart
Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...