Thursday, December 6, 2018

President Bush 41

The country is saddened by the passing of President George H. W. Bush, our 41st president. While watching the funeral services held in Washington D.C., I was moved to hear of his leadership and character. While no person is perfect, I got the sense that he was a genuine man of faith. I am sure that many did not agree with all of his policies and decisions as a Republican president, but they cannot disagree that he was a man of great character and principal.

The world needs such men in leadership that will stand on principle even in the face of attacks. Men who understand the great call of God and will not compromise that call to please men. I am sure that many pastors suffer many attacks as they lead the church in God's plan. I doubt very seriously that the average church attender truly understands the call of a pastor as he serves the local church. The relationship between pastor and church is much different that any other within the church or the world.

Pastoring is not a job. Pastoring is a calling that touches every aspect of that man. The call grabs the very heart and soul of the pastor. The church is not a place to work, but rather, a place to invest the whole life and family. Pastoring is who we are and not what we do. Pastoring is the definition of who the man is and not just a title. With such an understanding, the words spoken to attack a pastor travels much deeper in his soul. They cause much deeper damage and scars then the average person realizes. Pastors are not perfect people by far. They are men with clay feet. They need the grace and forgiveness of God and people. They are imperfect people called to preach the awesome Word of God that is perfect. They are to speak on behalf of God to the church of today. Truly, there is no other position like it in the world, not even being the President of the Untied States.

Christians inside the church can hurt the church much more than lost people outside the church. And so God's Word reminds us to speak truth in love, watch our tongue, let our speech be uplifting and building up the Body of Christ,  not tearing it down. The Bible reminds us that the world will know we are Christians by our love, not by our divisive words. People in the church will not always agree on things. But we should never view the church as "OUR" church. It is God's church that He died for. We serve Him through the church. It is His Bride. When it becomes "our church" it ceases to be His church. When we strive to get it just like "we" want it, we stray from the way God has designed for it to be.

The church is the ONLY hope for the world. We must be very careful to not loose sight of the purpose of the church. The Great Commission and The Great Commandment are the marching orders for the church. All we do and say should lead to fulfilling these two great commands from God. God has chosen fallible, imperfect men to lead His greatest gift to the world, His Bride, the church. Pastors have a great call and a great responsibility. They answer to God, the true owner of the church. Daily they seek His guidance and desires. Daily they are burdened for the condition of the church and the world. They truly understand that you cannot build the church by tearing down people but by lifting up Christ. Their heart is to see God do something wonderful in the heart of man. They desire to fulfill the Great Commission in their generation.

So, pastors be encouraged in the Lord. Your work is very important and ordained by Almighty God. You will not always be liked by man but you will always be loved by God. Your calling is significant to God's great plan for the world. He has chosen you. He is your defender and friend (Psalm 62). And your reward comes from Him. Love the church. Serve the church. Teach the church. Lead the church. And when called upon, suffer for the church. You will be in the great company of God! Presidents come and go every four to eight years. You are called for life. The difference you make will last for eternity. Presidential policies change but the Word of God lasts forever. God will lead you, guide you, and protect you. You can and must trust God. Stay faithful to the end. Stay in love with the Savior and never stray far from His cross!

From the Heart,
Pastor BR

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