The time between Christmas and New Year's is a strange time, especially for a pastor. The excitement of Christmas programs, message, and music is over but the New Year hasn't begun. That last Sunday of the year seems odd.
All the gifts, lights, and celebrations around Christ's birth have begun to fade. Now the transition to New Years' resolutions (ie. promises we rarely keep) are on the horizon. I think Mary and Joseph had an "in-between" time. That time that follows all the glorious accounts of the Savior's birth, now everyone is gone except for Mary, Joseph, and the Baby. The shepherds are gone. The Wise Men really haven't shown up yet. The sky is no longer filled with Angels. Time for a new normal.
A new normal consisting of a husband and wife plus a new baby. Not just any baby, but God's promised child to the world from before the beginning of time. The noise of the shepherds and angels are now replaced with the cry of a baby, the sounds of caring for the child, and whispers between the parents as to what they will do next.
A time of reflection for sure. Seeing the hand of God protecting them as they journeyed. Mary and Joseph's needs met even while friends and family questioned the madness of it all. Mary is a new mother and Joseph is a new father: both for the first time! Nervous? Sure! Scared? Most likely! Determined? Absolutely!
God gives us "in-between" times for reflection and renewal. We can look back and see God's hand in so many ways. Times when we may have doubted or struggled are now times of refreshing. A time to renew ourselves to God's plan and God's truth. God uses all that we have walked through to make us ready for tomorrow. I've been through so much this past year. Some exciting times and some disappointing times. Times when I saw God moving and times when those close to me hurt me deeply. I got to celebrate new birth in the Lord in so many new christians and have some of the old faithful pass away. The joy of new friends and the sadness of those who turned their back.
But... God has a perfect plan! So in this "in-between" time, I pray to reflect and be renewed for the year to come. Let the excitement grow as God does His best work ahead. I guess "in-between" times aren't so bad after all!
From the Heart
Pastor BR
Inspiring and encouraging leaders to be their best! Practical help for individuals, businesses and corporations to reach forward with success. Tackling the tough issues of today for a better tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Last night Charlene and I attended the Michael W. Smith Christmas concert. One of our sons gave this opportunity as a Christmas gift. We had a wonderful time listening to some of the old Christmas music from our era. It was such a great evening to spend together.
I love Christmas. The lights, sounds, and smells are so unique to this time of the year. The crisp air, leaves falling, and the changing of the landscape is beautiful (except when I lived in south Florida and it was still very warm!). Christmas is a time of expectation. Families get together to share a meal and stories of bygone years. There is just something unique about Christmas.
I have heard it said that, "Christmas is a time when you spend money that you don't have to buy for people you don't like and presents they don't need!" I am sure that is not the case. It is a time to show our love to family and friends. But there is one gift that rises above all other gifts. It is a gift that could only be given by One being. A gift that could only be wrapped in a special adornment. A gift that would last for all eternity and be available to everyone. A gift that would meet the deepest need of all who would receive it. The precious gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ. The Savior of the World.
I imagine that on Christmas Day all the gifts under the tree are given out and opened. I dare say that not a single gift is neglected. Or is it? God has given His greatest gift but many leave it unopened. Some say they will consider opening it in the future when they have time. Others may say that they just can't deal with this gift at this moment. Many don't trust in the gift or even believe it is a true gift from God. And still others deny that there is even a gift there at all. And yet, sitting there is the greatest gift wrapped in God's love for every person.
So the gift is left unopened. It waits for a willing receiver to take it in their hands and unwrap the gift of eternal life. All through the year the gift remains unmoved, undisturbed. Throughout the coming year people walk by the gift and think about it. They may even pick it up and shake it a little. Tempted to remove the bow and tear the wrapping but gently putting it down for another time. The gift doesn't spoil or lose its value. It simply sits and waits.
Maybe this year you will open the greatest gift of all. It might be that you share this great gift with others. Help them take it in their hands and gently unwrap the future of their life. It could be that God uses you to pre-sent the present. Introduce someone to God's greatest gift. I heard it said that God's greatest gift is wrapped in a person!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
I love Christmas. The lights, sounds, and smells are so unique to this time of the year. The crisp air, leaves falling, and the changing of the landscape is beautiful (except when I lived in south Florida and it was still very warm!). Christmas is a time of expectation. Families get together to share a meal and stories of bygone years. There is just something unique about Christmas.
I have heard it said that, "Christmas is a time when you spend money that you don't have to buy for people you don't like and presents they don't need!" I am sure that is not the case. It is a time to show our love to family and friends. But there is one gift that rises above all other gifts. It is a gift that could only be given by One being. A gift that could only be wrapped in a special adornment. A gift that would last for all eternity and be available to everyone. A gift that would meet the deepest need of all who would receive it. The precious gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ. The Savior of the World.
I imagine that on Christmas Day all the gifts under the tree are given out and opened. I dare say that not a single gift is neglected. Or is it? God has given His greatest gift but many leave it unopened. Some say they will consider opening it in the future when they have time. Others may say that they just can't deal with this gift at this moment. Many don't trust in the gift or even believe it is a true gift from God. And still others deny that there is even a gift there at all. And yet, sitting there is the greatest gift wrapped in God's love for every person.
So the gift is left unopened. It waits for a willing receiver to take it in their hands and unwrap the gift of eternal life. All through the year the gift remains unmoved, undisturbed. Throughout the coming year people walk by the gift and think about it. They may even pick it up and shake it a little. Tempted to remove the bow and tear the wrapping but gently putting it down for another time. The gift doesn't spoil or lose its value. It simply sits and waits.
Maybe this year you will open the greatest gift of all. It might be that you share this great gift with others. Help them take it in their hands and gently unwrap the future of their life. It could be that God uses you to pre-sent the present. Introduce someone to God's greatest gift. I heard it said that God's greatest gift is wrapped in a person!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Thursday, December 6, 2018
President Bush 41
The country is saddened by the passing of President George H. W. Bush, our 41st president. While watching the funeral services held in Washington D.C., I was moved to hear of his leadership and character. While no person is perfect, I got the sense that he was a genuine man of faith. I am sure that many did not agree with all of his policies and decisions as a Republican president, but they cannot disagree that he was a man of great character and principal.
The world needs such men in leadership that will stand on principle even in the face of attacks. Men who understand the great call of God and will not compromise that call to please men. I am sure that many pastors suffer many attacks as they lead the church in God's plan. I doubt very seriously that the average church attender truly understands the call of a pastor as he serves the local church. The relationship between pastor and church is much different that any other within the church or the world.
Pastoring is not a job. Pastoring is a calling that touches every aspect of that man. The call grabs the very heart and soul of the pastor. The church is not a place to work, but rather, a place to invest the whole life and family. Pastoring is who we are and not what we do. Pastoring is the definition of who the man is and not just a title. With such an understanding, the words spoken to attack a pastor travels much deeper in his soul. They cause much deeper damage and scars then the average person realizes. Pastors are not perfect people by far. They are men with clay feet. They need the grace and forgiveness of God and people. They are imperfect people called to preach the awesome Word of God that is perfect. They are to speak on behalf of God to the church of today. Truly, there is no other position like it in the world, not even being the President of the Untied States.
Christians inside the church can hurt the church much more than lost people outside the church. And so God's Word reminds us to speak truth in love, watch our tongue, let our speech be uplifting and building up the Body of Christ, not tearing it down. The Bible reminds us that the world will know we are Christians by our love, not by our divisive words. People in the church will not always agree on things. But we should never view the church as "OUR" church. It is God's church that He died for. We serve Him through the church. It is His Bride. When it becomes "our church" it ceases to be His church. When we strive to get it just like "we" want it, we stray from the way God has designed for it to be.
The church is the ONLY hope for the world. We must be very careful to not loose sight of the purpose of the church. The Great Commission and The Great Commandment are the marching orders for the church. All we do and say should lead to fulfilling these two great commands from God. God has chosen fallible, imperfect men to lead His greatest gift to the world, His Bride, the church. Pastors have a great call and a great responsibility. They answer to God, the true owner of the church. Daily they seek His guidance and desires. Daily they are burdened for the condition of the church and the world. They truly understand that you cannot build the church by tearing down people but by lifting up Christ. Their heart is to see God do something wonderful in the heart of man. They desire to fulfill the Great Commission in their generation.
So, pastors be encouraged in the Lord. Your work is very important and ordained by Almighty God. You will not always be liked by man but you will always be loved by God. Your calling is significant to God's great plan for the world. He has chosen you. He is your defender and friend (Psalm 62). And your reward comes from Him. Love the church. Serve the church. Teach the church. Lead the church. And when called upon, suffer for the church. You will be in the great company of God! Presidents come and go every four to eight years. You are called for life. The difference you make will last for eternity. Presidential policies change but the Word of God lasts forever. God will lead you, guide you, and protect you. You can and must trust God. Stay faithful to the end. Stay in love with the Savior and never stray far from His cross!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
The world needs such men in leadership that will stand on principle even in the face of attacks. Men who understand the great call of God and will not compromise that call to please men. I am sure that many pastors suffer many attacks as they lead the church in God's plan. I doubt very seriously that the average church attender truly understands the call of a pastor as he serves the local church. The relationship between pastor and church is much different that any other within the church or the world.
Pastoring is not a job. Pastoring is a calling that touches every aspect of that man. The call grabs the very heart and soul of the pastor. The church is not a place to work, but rather, a place to invest the whole life and family. Pastoring is who we are and not what we do. Pastoring is the definition of who the man is and not just a title. With such an understanding, the words spoken to attack a pastor travels much deeper in his soul. They cause much deeper damage and scars then the average person realizes. Pastors are not perfect people by far. They are men with clay feet. They need the grace and forgiveness of God and people. They are imperfect people called to preach the awesome Word of God that is perfect. They are to speak on behalf of God to the church of today. Truly, there is no other position like it in the world, not even being the President of the Untied States.
Christians inside the church can hurt the church much more than lost people outside the church. And so God's Word reminds us to speak truth in love, watch our tongue, let our speech be uplifting and building up the Body of Christ, not tearing it down. The Bible reminds us that the world will know we are Christians by our love, not by our divisive words. People in the church will not always agree on things. But we should never view the church as "OUR" church. It is God's church that He died for. We serve Him through the church. It is His Bride. When it becomes "our church" it ceases to be His church. When we strive to get it just like "we" want it, we stray from the way God has designed for it to be.
The church is the ONLY hope for the world. We must be very careful to not loose sight of the purpose of the church. The Great Commission and The Great Commandment are the marching orders for the church. All we do and say should lead to fulfilling these two great commands from God. God has chosen fallible, imperfect men to lead His greatest gift to the world, His Bride, the church. Pastors have a great call and a great responsibility. They answer to God, the true owner of the church. Daily they seek His guidance and desires. Daily they are burdened for the condition of the church and the world. They truly understand that you cannot build the church by tearing down people but by lifting up Christ. Their heart is to see God do something wonderful in the heart of man. They desire to fulfill the Great Commission in their generation.
So, pastors be encouraged in the Lord. Your work is very important and ordained by Almighty God. You will not always be liked by man but you will always be loved by God. Your calling is significant to God's great plan for the world. He has chosen you. He is your defender and friend (Psalm 62). And your reward comes from Him. Love the church. Serve the church. Teach the church. Lead the church. And when called upon, suffer for the church. You will be in the great company of God! Presidents come and go every four to eight years. You are called for life. The difference you make will last for eternity. Presidential policies change but the Word of God lasts forever. God will lead you, guide you, and protect you. You can and must trust God. Stay faithful to the end. Stay in love with the Savior and never stray far from His cross!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Sunday, November 25, 2018
The Next Chapter
I'll admit it has been a while since I last blogged. I have even taken a few blog postings down from my page. So much has happened in my life over the last few months. I'm not sure where to begin but here goes...
I am very passionate about the church and believe that it is God's plan to reach the world. I have served the local church for 38 years and still believe in the church. Recently, I suffered some health problems due to stress related issues concerning the church. It was very scary for me as I didn't fully understand what was going on. My doctors informed me that I was at a high risk for a stroke that could leave worse damage than what I had experienced. I was placed on a heart monitor for the next 30 days (oh what fun!). Their collective advice was for me to make some changes immediately. My children agreed. More importantly, my wife agreed. So, on November 11, 2018, I resigned my senior pastor position. It was a very tough decision. While I didn't resign from ministry, I did step away from the senior pastorate for the time being.
I decided to take my doctor's counsel and use the holidays to rest and restructure my life. While I'm not sure what specific ministries I will be involved in, I am trusting in God's plan. I am definitely continuing as a Secret Service Chaplain. I am planning on being available for pulpit supply preaching and maybe even an interim position in the new year. I have thought about picking up writing again. I'm seeking God's best for my life and for my family.
Through this experience I have been (and still am) learning a great deal. I am sure there will be many more lessons to learn. God doesn't waste an experience but uses them to grow us in His likeness. It has never been easy for me to slow down but I'm learning how. Part of me is very excited about this new adventure while another part misses serving as senior pastor. God will definitely fill any voids I may have. I can trust Him.
I do ask for prayers in seeking God's next step for me and my wife. She is such a godly woman and very encouraging as well as supportive. She is a true gift from God!
From the Heart,
BR Johnson
I am very passionate about the church and believe that it is God's plan to reach the world. I have served the local church for 38 years and still believe in the church. Recently, I suffered some health problems due to stress related issues concerning the church. It was very scary for me as I didn't fully understand what was going on. My doctors informed me that I was at a high risk for a stroke that could leave worse damage than what I had experienced. I was placed on a heart monitor for the next 30 days (oh what fun!). Their collective advice was for me to make some changes immediately. My children agreed. More importantly, my wife agreed. So, on November 11, 2018, I resigned my senior pastor position. It was a very tough decision. While I didn't resign from ministry, I did step away from the senior pastorate for the time being.
I decided to take my doctor's counsel and use the holidays to rest and restructure my life. While I'm not sure what specific ministries I will be involved in, I am trusting in God's plan. I am definitely continuing as a Secret Service Chaplain. I am planning on being available for pulpit supply preaching and maybe even an interim position in the new year. I have thought about picking up writing again. I'm seeking God's best for my life and for my family.
Through this experience I have been (and still am) learning a great deal. I am sure there will be many more lessons to learn. God doesn't waste an experience but uses them to grow us in His likeness. It has never been easy for me to slow down but I'm learning how. Part of me is very excited about this new adventure while another part misses serving as senior pastor. God will definitely fill any voids I may have. I can trust Him.
I do ask for prayers in seeking God's next step for me and my wife. She is such a godly woman and very encouraging as well as supportive. She is a true gift from God!
From the Heart,
BR Johnson
Monday, May 14, 2018
When you hear the word "jail" many negative thoughts come to mind for good reason. Jails have very bad smells, questionable food, uncomfortable bunks, and poor living conditions. Jails are not on the top ten list of places you want to visit. And yet there is great need for Jesus to be proclaimed in jails.
I'm sure that most inmates are guilty of some crime for which they are incarcerated. Others may truly be innocent but just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still others may be there waiting on a court date for their verdict to be read. But one thing is for sure, they are people created by God just like you and me. God doesn't create junk. We take His creation and and mess it up with our sin nature. The Bible reminds us that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is no one righteous. It is in our sin that we find the Savior.
I had the awesome privilege to help baptize 14 inmates in our county jail tonight. I got to look in their eyes and witness the sincerity of their faith in front of other inmates. While some question "jail salvations," I believe many are very real. For those who have gone and witnessed in the jails, you know when it is sincere and when it is not. These men have many challenges ahead of them but they have the same Savior, the same God, the same Holy Spirit walking with them and inside them through the rest of their lives. They will need much prayer to handle the pressures of life in jail and the life after jail. Temptations are very strong all around them.
I am so privileged by God to carry the great message of salvation wherever I go. The wealthy and the "down and out" need the same Jesus for the same reason: we are sinners bound for eternity in hell. While we may have many different preferences and opinions, one thing is true of all of us: without Jesus as our Lord and Savior we will burn in hell forever. It really comes down to that one simple truth. In jail or in church, you need Jesus. We can fuss over so many things when Jesus just wants us to obey Him and share the gospel. Do you witness? Do you serve in the church? Do you tithe? Do you attend church faithfully? When is the last time you prayed with someone to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? I know these are not popular questions to ask but they are Biblical questions we must answer.
As I stood in the jail among my new brothers in Christ I realized once again what is most important in the Kingdom of God. Let's be about the Lord's business and fulfill the Great Commission through the Great Commandment in our lifetime. Let's be all about Jesus!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
I'm sure that most inmates are guilty of some crime for which they are incarcerated. Others may truly be innocent but just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still others may be there waiting on a court date for their verdict to be read. But one thing is for sure, they are people created by God just like you and me. God doesn't create junk. We take His creation and and mess it up with our sin nature. The Bible reminds us that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is no one righteous. It is in our sin that we find the Savior.
I had the awesome privilege to help baptize 14 inmates in our county jail tonight. I got to look in their eyes and witness the sincerity of their faith in front of other inmates. While some question "jail salvations," I believe many are very real. For those who have gone and witnessed in the jails, you know when it is sincere and when it is not. These men have many challenges ahead of them but they have the same Savior, the same God, the same Holy Spirit walking with them and inside them through the rest of their lives. They will need much prayer to handle the pressures of life in jail and the life after jail. Temptations are very strong all around them.
I am so privileged by God to carry the great message of salvation wherever I go. The wealthy and the "down and out" need the same Jesus for the same reason: we are sinners bound for eternity in hell. While we may have many different preferences and opinions, one thing is true of all of us: without Jesus as our Lord and Savior we will burn in hell forever. It really comes down to that one simple truth. In jail or in church, you need Jesus. We can fuss over so many things when Jesus just wants us to obey Him and share the gospel. Do you witness? Do you serve in the church? Do you tithe? Do you attend church faithfully? When is the last time you prayed with someone to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? I know these are not popular questions to ask but they are Biblical questions we must answer.
As I stood in the jail among my new brothers in Christ I realized once again what is most important in the Kingdom of God. Let's be about the Lord's business and fulfill the Great Commission through the Great Commandment in our lifetime. Let's be all about Jesus!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Adjust To The Umpire
"Are you blind?' "Open your eyes ump, you are missing a great game!" You have probably heard these and many other colorful statements at baseball games. We can all see the same pitch or play and still have major disagreements. Even with video review we often still hold our positions. Our viewpoints are often directed by which team we are pulling for. We see everything in light of what is best to help our team win and all other calls are just wrong.
Then the yelling begins. We try to convince a very blind and stubborn umpire that he has made a major mistake and is hurting our team. As a matter of fact, the ump is really making things unfair for our team. some fans will try informing the umpire of the real rules of the game. After all, our little all stars would never make an error or let a strike sail by without a swing. These little ones will be major league players one day so don't call them out now! Perspective is funny. Perspective ruins reality. Perspective can be blind and just plain wrong.
I wish this were true only for the baseball field but it creeps into the church. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves, this has been going on since the fifteenth chapter of Acts! The great disagreement was over salvation. Who and how were the debatable pitches. Who could be saved and how could they be saved. The Jews didn't think the Gentiles could, or should be saved, unless they became Jewish first. You must follow all the laws and rituals including circumcision in order to be a follower of Jesus, said the Jewish people in the church. The only problem was that Jesus proclaimed something different. Christ alone. Nothing added to faith in Jesus.
In the church their can be so many arguments over things that do not pertain to salvation. We can replay scriptures with our biased viewpoint. While the purity of the Gospel must always be protected, there are other matters that require grace if there is to be unity. The Jews and Gentiles in Acts 15 learned how to have unity amid diversity. The Gentiles were asked to change some "habits" that were offensive to the Jews, and the Jews were not to add a burden beyond faith in Christ for salvation of the Gentiles. Wow! the early church had to deal with a mess.
The good news is that we have a spiritual umpire called the Holy Spirit that always accurately applies the rule book of life called The Bible. There is really only one "right" person on the field and it isn't little Johnny the superstar. It is the Umpire! His call and rulings are final. Argue if you will but their word stands. What you may not like you want to change but the final call has been made. God will NEVER change His Word. Our lives are to adjust to the umpire. We are to adjust ourselves to the Word of God. If you need an interpretation of the rules, then God has provided the Holy Spirit.
The only way to win in this life is to trust in Christ alone, by faith alone, through grace alone. Jesus really is the ONLY way, Truth, and Life. From there we daily adjust our life to the Word of God. By the way, aren't you glad things aren't really fair? If they were we would all be on our way to hell. Grace is an interruption to fair!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Then the yelling begins. We try to convince a very blind and stubborn umpire that he has made a major mistake and is hurting our team. As a matter of fact, the ump is really making things unfair for our team. some fans will try informing the umpire of the real rules of the game. After all, our little all stars would never make an error or let a strike sail by without a swing. These little ones will be major league players one day so don't call them out now! Perspective is funny. Perspective ruins reality. Perspective can be blind and just plain wrong.
I wish this were true only for the baseball field but it creeps into the church. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves, this has been going on since the fifteenth chapter of Acts! The great disagreement was over salvation. Who and how were the debatable pitches. Who could be saved and how could they be saved. The Jews didn't think the Gentiles could, or should be saved, unless they became Jewish first. You must follow all the laws and rituals including circumcision in order to be a follower of Jesus, said the Jewish people in the church. The only problem was that Jesus proclaimed something different. Christ alone. Nothing added to faith in Jesus.
In the church their can be so many arguments over things that do not pertain to salvation. We can replay scriptures with our biased viewpoint. While the purity of the Gospel must always be protected, there are other matters that require grace if there is to be unity. The Jews and Gentiles in Acts 15 learned how to have unity amid diversity. The Gentiles were asked to change some "habits" that were offensive to the Jews, and the Jews were not to add a burden beyond faith in Christ for salvation of the Gentiles. Wow! the early church had to deal with a mess.
The good news is that we have a spiritual umpire called the Holy Spirit that always accurately applies the rule book of life called The Bible. There is really only one "right" person on the field and it isn't little Johnny the superstar. It is the Umpire! His call and rulings are final. Argue if you will but their word stands. What you may not like you want to change but the final call has been made. God will NEVER change His Word. Our lives are to adjust to the umpire. We are to adjust ourselves to the Word of God. If you need an interpretation of the rules, then God has provided the Holy Spirit.
The only way to win in this life is to trust in Christ alone, by faith alone, through grace alone. Jesus really is the ONLY way, Truth, and Life. From there we daily adjust our life to the Word of God. By the way, aren't you glad things aren't really fair? If they were we would all be on our way to hell. Grace is an interruption to fair!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Friday, February 23, 2018
Tommy Puckett
I will never forget his laugh! It was unique. If you knew Tommy Puckett then you know exactly what I'm talking about. He had a certain sound when he laughed that commanded your attention. Now he is walking and talking, and laughing for sure, with Jesus on the streets of gold.
I had heard of Tommy for many years through the Alabama Baptist State. Board of Missions (ALSBOM). He was a dynamic and creative leader in many areas in brotherhood, RA's, and Disaster Relief. He even has a lodge named after him at Shocco Springs Conference Center for his outstanding work in Men and RA ministries. He formed what is now the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief ministry. He has trained countless volunteers in ministry across the great state of Alabama.
But I really got to know Tommy Puckett when I received a phone call from him in relation to searching for a new pastor for Santuck Baptist Church. He was chairman of the pastor search committee that did, in fact, call me to Santuck. Tommy was a pastor's friend. He knew the struggles of church life and the strains of serving in the ministry. We were able to spend a lot of time sharing together. We talked and prayed together seeking God's will. He challenged me to be a better pastor in so many ways and always assured me that he loved me and was praying for me. Tommy was a prayer warrior! When he prayed, things moved for sure. Even at his passing he was putting together a Prayer Boot Camp for our church. He served until his last breath.
Tommy had a vision for the church and a passion for its ministries. He served on our Vision Team helping to frame the future of the church. He served as Men's Ministry leader impacting all our men for the cause of Christ. He lead in the prayer ministry and helped develop our War Room. He did all this after he "retired" from the State Board of Missions.
He served his Lord at full capacity while taking care of his beautiful wife Elaine. While her needs are great, Tommy never faltered or wavered in his love and care for her. I truly don't know how he did so much! With tears in his eyes, he would share how concerned he was for the health of his wife. He would speak of how blessed he was to provide for her needs.
Although many people in the coming years may not know Tommy's name, they will be impacted by the passion of his heart. Each time a "yellow" shirt shows up at a disaster, many will be blessed because of Tommy's vision and development of that ministry. Others will be touched because he invested himself in other men, teaching them and discipling them as godly men. Their generations will be blessed because of the impact the Word of God has had on the men Tommy taught. Tommy was never short of a challenge to be a Godly praying man.
I will really miss my friend. I will miss a prayer warrior. I will miss a fellow laborer for the Kingdom of God. I will miss his laugh, hugs, and perfect hair! I will miss him sitting on the back row so his wife could park her motorized chair beside him and worship as a family. I will miss his words of encouragement. I will miss my friend and brother in the Lord!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
I had heard of Tommy for many years through the Alabama Baptist State. Board of Missions (ALSBOM). He was a dynamic and creative leader in many areas in brotherhood, RA's, and Disaster Relief. He even has a lodge named after him at Shocco Springs Conference Center for his outstanding work in Men and RA ministries. He formed what is now the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief ministry. He has trained countless volunteers in ministry across the great state of Alabama.
But I really got to know Tommy Puckett when I received a phone call from him in relation to searching for a new pastor for Santuck Baptist Church. He was chairman of the pastor search committee that did, in fact, call me to Santuck. Tommy was a pastor's friend. He knew the struggles of church life and the strains of serving in the ministry. We were able to spend a lot of time sharing together. We talked and prayed together seeking God's will. He challenged me to be a better pastor in so many ways and always assured me that he loved me and was praying for me. Tommy was a prayer warrior! When he prayed, things moved for sure. Even at his passing he was putting together a Prayer Boot Camp for our church. He served until his last breath.
Tommy had a vision for the church and a passion for its ministries. He served on our Vision Team helping to frame the future of the church. He served as Men's Ministry leader impacting all our men for the cause of Christ. He lead in the prayer ministry and helped develop our War Room. He did all this after he "retired" from the State Board of Missions.
He served his Lord at full capacity while taking care of his beautiful wife Elaine. While her needs are great, Tommy never faltered or wavered in his love and care for her. I truly don't know how he did so much! With tears in his eyes, he would share how concerned he was for the health of his wife. He would speak of how blessed he was to provide for her needs.
Although many people in the coming years may not know Tommy's name, they will be impacted by the passion of his heart. Each time a "yellow" shirt shows up at a disaster, many will be blessed because of Tommy's vision and development of that ministry. Others will be touched because he invested himself in other men, teaching them and discipling them as godly men. Their generations will be blessed because of the impact the Word of God has had on the men Tommy taught. Tommy was never short of a challenge to be a Godly praying man.
I will really miss my friend. I will miss a prayer warrior. I will miss a fellow laborer for the Kingdom of God. I will miss his laugh, hugs, and perfect hair! I will miss him sitting on the back row so his wife could park her motorized chair beside him and worship as a family. I will miss his words of encouragement. I will miss my friend and brother in the Lord!
From the Heart,
Pastor BR
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Happy New Year!
2018! Who would have thought that we are now eighteen years past the scare of 2000. So many thought the world would end or at least society as we know it today would come to a standstill. Many "predictors" made millions from writing books on how to survive the crash of time turning 2000. Computer gurus were fast at work figuring out how to keep computers up and running.
Well, no major crash or event happened. Computers are still running AND we are still here! Predictions are a funny thing, really a strange profession. I have often said that I am very good at predicting the past! I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "History repeats itself." I believe it does unless you do something different. We have the opportunity to do something different in 2018. The year 2017 is past and gone. All that happened is just that, happened - past, gone. No carry-over to this this year. We have a fresh start.
The Bible is full of promises not predictions. God never has nor never will "guess" at the future. His Word is true and sure. You can bank on it! His Word is not a "hope so" theology but a said and done so truth. So, I think we would be wise to read slowly what God says concerning how we should live and the promised results. Faith in the future is full confidence in God right now. God backs up His promises with His character. the Bible teaches me that God will bless what honors Him. So I know that if what I do is dishonoring Him, He will not bless but bring correction and discipline.
I pray that you follow closely the Word of God in 2018. You will experience a sure future and some some wild guess by a predictor. Oh, and just in case you haven't read the end yet, god promises that there is a major crash coming! He will return and take His children home. Are you a follower of Christ? Then you have no fear but excitement when that day comes. If you are not a follower of Christ, I encourage you to make the decision to trust Him with your soul because His promises will come true and you must be ready.
Blessings from the heart,
Pastor BR
Well, no major crash or event happened. Computers are still running AND we are still here! Predictions are a funny thing, really a strange profession. I have often said that I am very good at predicting the past! I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "History repeats itself." I believe it does unless you do something different. We have the opportunity to do something different in 2018. The year 2017 is past and gone. All that happened is just that, happened - past, gone. No carry-over to this this year. We have a fresh start.
The Bible is full of promises not predictions. God never has nor never will "guess" at the future. His Word is true and sure. You can bank on it! His Word is not a "hope so" theology but a said and done so truth. So, I think we would be wise to read slowly what God says concerning how we should live and the promised results. Faith in the future is full confidence in God right now. God backs up His promises with His character. the Bible teaches me that God will bless what honors Him. So I know that if what I do is dishonoring Him, He will not bless but bring correction and discipline.
I pray that you follow closely the Word of God in 2018. You will experience a sure future and some some wild guess by a predictor. Oh, and just in case you haven't read the end yet, god promises that there is a major crash coming! He will return and take His children home. Are you a follower of Christ? Then you have no fear but excitement when that day comes. If you are not a follower of Christ, I encourage you to make the decision to trust Him with your soul because His promises will come true and you must be ready.
Blessings from the heart,
Pastor BR
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