Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Next Chapter

I'll admit it has been a while since I last blogged. I have even taken a few blog postings down from my page. So much has happened in my life over the last few months. I'm not sure where to begin but here goes...

I am very passionate about the church and believe that it is God's plan to reach the world. I have served the local church for 38 years and still believe in the church. Recently, I suffered some health problems due to stress related issues concerning the church. It was very scary for me as I didn't fully understand what was going on. My doctors informed me that I was at a high risk for a stroke that could leave worse damage than what I had experienced. I was placed on a heart monitor for the next 30 days (oh what fun!). Their collective advice was for me to make some changes immediately. My children agreed. More importantly, my wife agreed. So, on November 11, 2018, I resigned my senior pastor position. It was a very tough decision. While I didn't resign from ministry, I did step away from the senior pastorate for the time being.

I decided to take my doctor's counsel and use the holidays to rest and restructure my life. While I'm not sure what specific ministries I will be involved in, I am trusting in God's plan. I am definitely continuing as a Secret Service Chaplain. I am planning on being available for pulpit supply preaching and maybe even an interim position in the new year. I have thought about picking up writing again. I'm seeking God's best for my life and for my family.

Through this experience I have been (and still am) learning a great deal. I am sure there will be many more lessons to learn. God doesn't waste an experience but uses them to grow us in His likeness. It has never been easy for me to slow down but I'm learning how. Part of me is very excited about this new adventure while another part misses serving as senior pastor. God will definitely fill any voids I may have. I can trust Him.

I do ask for prayers in seeking God's next step for me and my wife. She is such a godly woman and very encouraging as well as supportive. She is a true gift from God!

From the Heart,
BR Johnson


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...