Friday, February 24, 2017

God is Moving

What an interesting title, "God is Moving." This phrase can be read in many different ways such as suggesting that God is relocating. It could be understood as God is changing His mind. Neither of these are what I want to talk about but the fact that His presence is "moving" among us. As in chapter two of Acts, God moved as a mighty rushing wind. The Holy Spirit came once and for all to reside in the hearts of His followers. God moved in to stay.
God's presence is so real when we are lifting up our voices together in praise and centering on the preaching of God's Word. God is moving in and through His people. When God moves His followers have a choice. They can run away from His presence. They can stand by and watch. But the best response is to join in obedience and respond to His call. Joining Him in His work is the greatest call on our lives.
I want to encourage you to join God in what He is doing. Our world desperately needs His powerful presence in the lives of His followers. Now is not the time to be absent. Now is the time to be fully engaged in the Great Commission with the heart of the Great Commandment.
I encourage you to be faithful to your church in every way and bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Nothing else in this life is greater than following Jesus fully.

From the Heart,
Pastor BR


 Recently I attended a training seminar sharpening my skills as a chaplain and minister. The training was centered around working with group...