Monday, June 9, 2014

It Is That Time of Year Again!

School is out and Summer is here and that can only mean one thing....VBS!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) has great memories for me as a child and a pastor. I can remember lining up by age groups, marching into the sanctuary behind the flags and the Bible. We would stand and say our pledge to the American Flag, the Christian Flag, and to the Bible. I can still hear the echo of the "sit down" chord and the "stand up" chord. We would memorize our theme verse for the week as well as songs and learn Bible stories. Cookies and cool aide was the standard snack. At the end of the week we had a family night for our parents to visit our rooms and gather our crafts. Such memories!

I did not know then what I have learned now: it takes a lot of commitment and work from a whole lot of people to have a memorable VBS. The lasting impact of VBS is unquestionable. So many children experience the Bible for the first time during VBS. Many hear of missionaries and foreign lands they hope to one day encounter. VBS opens a whole new world in the eyes of a child. I know because I have never forgotten the stories while I have visited many foreign lands. As I walked the pathways in some third world countries my mind goes back to my VBS experiences.

One special memory for me is when I prayed with my very first person (child) to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. It was during VBS and I was a teenage volunteer. I can still see the pew we sat in and the sanctuary decorated. It is a memory I will never forget.

Through the years I have led numerous mission VBS trips to many parts of the country and the world. The reaction is the same no matter what language is used. Smiling children with bright eyes and endless energy running to the church each morning. Songs sung with movements to wake the body and the spirit. Stories from God's Word and prayers of commitment to Christ. Tired workers at the end of the week. Everyone knowing it was worth it all and next year we will sign up again!

From the Heart,

Pastor BR


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