Thursday, January 11, 2018

Happy New Year!

2018! Who would have thought that we are now eighteen years past the scare of 2000. So many thought the world would end or at least society as we know it today would come to a standstill. Many "predictors" made millions from writing books on how to survive the crash of time turning 2000. Computer gurus were fast at work figuring out how to keep computers up and running.

Well, no major crash or event happened. Computers are still running AND we are still here! Predictions are a funny thing, really a strange profession. I have often said that I am very good at predicting the past! I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "History repeats itself." I believe it does unless you do something different. We have the opportunity to do something different in 2018. The year 2017 is past and gone. All that happened is just that, happened - past, gone. No carry-over to this this year. We have a fresh start.

The Bible is full of promises not predictions. God never has nor never will "guess" at the future. His Word is true and sure. You can bank on it! His Word is not a "hope so" theology but a said and done so truth. So, I think we would be wise to read slowly what God says concerning how we should live and the promised results. Faith in the future is full confidence in God right now. God backs up His promises with His character. the Bible teaches me that God will bless what honors Him. So I know that if what I do is dishonoring Him, He will not bless but bring correction and discipline.

I pray that you follow closely the Word of God in 2018. You will experience a sure future and some some wild guess by a predictor. Oh, and just in case you haven't read the end yet, god promises that there is a major crash coming! He will return and take His children home. Are you a follower of Christ? Then you have no fear but  excitement when that day comes. If you are not a follower of Christ, I encourage you to make the decision to trust Him with your soul because His promises will come true and you must be ready.

Blessings from the heart,
Pastor BR

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